(15 months – 24 months)
Toddler Curriculum

Let’s start our journey down Kensington Lane, a delightful cognitive development program, carefully created to appeal to our busy and ever-curious toddlers and their developmental needs.
On Kensington Lane Cognitive Development Program, Year 1
Visit with Grandma Pockets and meet her friends, the Stone Cottage Puppets. Open her suitcase or peek into her apron pocket; count the numbers on her clock or look through her picture book. New learning surprises await every week!
Each of Grandma Pockets’ eight furry friends – the Stone Cottage Puppets – emphasizes a curriculum component. Curious children eagerly anticipate their daily visits.
Sensory Project Based Learning
Even as Toddlers, children are encouraged to embark upon a focused exploration. Using all of their senses, toddlers grasp new knowledge and construct new ideas. Their excitement in each discovery is wonderfully evident.
Natural Wood Investigations
Curious hands are always exploring, and those fine motor muscles are getting stronger. “Natural Wood Investigations” at Kensington was created for those small, ever-grasping hands. Using soft, natural wood elements, you will find your child learning the early concepts of balancing, building, and sorting.
Music and Sound Explorations with our Music Teachers
Toddlers jump for joy when their music teacher visits. They march, dance, walk on tippy toes and bounce to the rhythms. Whether it be moving with the music, experiencing new sounds or singing along, music time is an essential multi-sensory learning experience.
Yoga Pretzels
Children benefit from yoga at Kensington School by increasing coordination, strengthening muscles, and improving sleep through yoga postures and developmental movement exercises.
Toddler Sign Language
Why use sign language when children are developing verbal speech? Fundamental language skills begin with gestures. Linking basic signs with oral communication not only decreases frustration but also builds confidence.