(6 weeks – 15 months)
Infant Nursery Curriculum

Infant Nursery
Our hands get messy; we move and grow; we reach, and we stretch, we sing and clap. We are exploring the possibilities in our great, big world.
Infant Possibilities
A monthly thematic curriculum unique to Kensington School called Infant Possibilities provides just the right balance between teacher interaction and independent exploration for our youngest learners. Music and movement, sensory exploration, nature, and art activities gently encourage little ones through significant developmental stages.
Infant Treasure Baskets
Baskets filled with everyday items such as ribbons and yarn, fabrics, spoons and sponges, “tree” blocks and sensory balls, and more encourage curiosity and language development with tactile encounters and teacher dialogue.
Individualized Portfolios/Photo Journals
Celebrating everyday moments and significant milestones, families treasure this personalized record of their child’s early growth.
Music and Sound Explorations with our Music Teachers
Wave scarves, shake bells, rock, bounce and clap… Little ones tune their ears to the sounds and feel the rhythm from head to toe.
Itsy Bitsy Yoga
Gentle twists and stretches, giggles and smiles – it’s “Itsy Bitsy Yoga” time. How can yoga help an infant? Yoga aids in muscle development, improved digestion, and better sleep.
Infant Sign Language
Fundamental language skills begin with gestures. Infant Sign Language linked with verbal conversation enhances communication development and decreases frustration.
“News from the Nest” Parent Newsletter
Parents enjoy our monthly editions of “News from the Nest” which provide information on activities taking place in the nursery. Helpful articles and resources on timely topics are also shared just for our youngest children and their families, along with ideas for activities at home.